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Posted by soapyone on July 1st, 2023 at 7:17:01 am
I had to reinstall Kubuntu last week, as it botched an in-place version upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04. It also botched a fresh install of 22.04, so I went back to 20.04 and plan to stay there for a while.

In any event, Godot wouldn't recognize my plugged-in Quest 2. As it turns out, KDE, via it's Device Notifier widget, wouldn't recognize it either. The Linux system log showed when it was plugged in and when it was unplugged, though, so the USB port was working.

Fortunately, Linux wasn't recognizing my sound chip either. Why is this fortunate, you may be asking? Because I had this sound problem when I did a fresh install of 22.04, and I remembered my research for solving it, so getting Linux to recognize my sound chip was easy:

"sudo apt-get install linux-modules-extra-`uname -r`"

This installs a bunch of kernel modules and (apparently) device drivers. Normally, a fresh Kubuntu installation and subsequent kernel upgrades install these modules automatically. But in my case, Kubuntu's unattended upgrade did a kernel upgrade at an inopportune time, so I didn't reboot. The unattended upgrade installed a new kernel, though, as well as a new modules package.

Days later, I did another upgrade from my still-unrebooted running system, which installed yet another new kernel. However, since I didn't reboot after the previous kernel upgrade, the upgrade process re-installed the old modules from two kernels ago, which were not compatible with the kernel I was about to reboot into. Whoops! My bad!

So after I manually installed the new kernel modules and rebooted, my sound worked again (as expected), and all of Linux, KDE, and Godot now saw my plugged in Quest 2.

Posted by soapyone on July 6th, 2020 at 12:00:00 am
Soap Spangled Games is a new, family owned and operated Limited Liability Company. We produce a range of video games designed to run on a variety of platforms. We target Linux, Android, Oculus Quest, and Microsoft Windows. With Google's upcoming developer policy change, we may stop developing for Android.

We decided to organize as an LLC after producing our first game aimed at preschool children, "Fishing For Phonics," for Android (it's free on Google Play). It was originally written for our (then) preschool-age son to help him with learning the Alphabet. Since he enjoyed it, we thought other children might enjoy it, too.

We were pleased to find it referenced in an article of top underrated educational games on You can find the list here, and Fishing For Phonics is referenced here.

There is another positive review on the Free Apps For Me website, and another one at Apps Like These.